440-490-PGHE (7443)
Mon-Fri: 7:00am – 5:00pm
Here at PGHE, we’re committed to being your go-to resource for ALL things childcare and parenting. From helping you navigate through the parenting challenges that are bound to occur, to answering specific questions regarding your childcare journey (whether you want to enroll with us or not). So dive into our parents’ corner and let us know how we can best serve you.
Not looking for childcare right now but know someone who is? Lend a hand and refer a friend today and you both could walk away with cash!
Being all the things as a mom and an entrepreneur takes more than just to do lists and balance. It requires intention and actions that are in alignment with your peace, purpose and priorities. Let me help you bridge the gap between frustration and fulfillment so you can achieve home and business success. Schedule your complimentary call today.
Welcome to PGHE! Where quality childcare meets inspiration, education and personal growth for the most influential people in a child’s life.
Copyright © 2022-2024. Precious Gifts Home Enrichment LLC